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200 Years of History

200 Years of History

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Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
Part X
Part XI
Part XII
Part XIV
Part XV
Part XVI
Part XIX
Part XX
Part XV: Tom Burns’ Bust of Thomas Jefferson, Unveiled!
By R. Richard Willis

On Wednesday June 2, 2004 at the Township Council Meeting, The Thomas Jefferson’s bust was unveiled.

When Mr. Thomas Burns, learned that the bicentennial committee was looking for a bust of Thomas Jefferson, he said that he could sculpt one for the township.

This is where the things get interesting. The last time Thomas Burns worked with clay was in his late teens, he now 84 years old. The sculpture was first was made upon a foam core, then clay was added and worked with great skill, since there is no photographs of Jefferson, just drawings, painting and other sculpted pieces, Tom created a great likeness of Jefferson.

When Tom was satisfied, he invited Jack Kelly and others to see his creation, all were greatly pleased. Then a rubber mold was made. Tom then went into New York City where the bust was cast. The mold was then filled with a plaster like material, which hardens with age and can be made to look like marble.

After Jack Kelly thanked Tom for his great sculpture, town historian R. Richard Willis unveiled the bust. It was a great pleasure to unveil the work, since I have known Tom for a short time, but I have come recognize a great man of many talents.

The bust will be displayed in the Municipal building when the base arrives and a site is agreed upon.