200 Years of History
By R. Richard Willis
By the 1850's tracks for the Morris & Essex Railroad,
later known as the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western passed
Lake Hopatcong at Landing. With the arrival of the Central
Railroad of New Jersey in 1882 at Nolan's Point, Jefferson
Township, the Morris & Essex then build its first passenger
station at Landing. The stage was set for Lake Hopatcong to
become "The summer resort of the Northeast."
By 1840 The Hopatcong House is advertising in newspapers
and magazines, as the only hotel at the Lake. The second hotel
was The Lake View House in Mt. Arlington, but by the 1890's
there's over 30 hotels and numerous boarding houses.
In the area surrounding Lake Hopatcong in Jefferson there
were about sixteen hotels.
The Airport Inn, located in Hurdtown (formerly
Seward's Tavern) built prior to 1804. See Part 9, December
2003 article. *
The American House, built in the 1880's
on Howard Boulevard, then known to the locals as American
House Hill. The hotel was across the road from the Lake Hopatcong
United Methodist Church. In 1919 the name was changed to the
Ellsworth Hotel and in 1940's the hotel burned, the
land is still vacant in 2004. *
The Ardsley Hotel, was located on Halsey
Island. The Hoffman family of Somerville, New Jersey, built
their summer Villa in the late 1800's. In 1920 the Villa
opened as The Ardsley Hotel. The building faced Nolan's
Point. This hotel was used in summers only, as Halsey Island
did not have a bridge or ferry. In 1927 the hotel burned and
was never rebuilt. The foundations can still be seen on the
island. *
The Bellevue House, built in the 1900's,
was located across the tracks from Allen's Hotel. This
was a small boarding house operated by Wm. R. Hockenjos. This
hotel changed its name to the Paterson House. Over the years
it has had many names, currently its name is "Peter's
Boat House". *
The Berkshire Valley Hotel, was located
between the present Route 15 North and South. Approximately
where Berkshire Valley Road and Route 15 intersects. The hotel
was the site of many Jefferson Township meeting. Meetings
were held in the bar, the bar would be closed, the meeting
called to order quite often with the butt of a gun. All the
business was done in one meeting, no postponing. A typical
meeting was kept short; minutes in the book would take one
or two pages only and covered everything from bounty on fox
to the care of the poor. The meeting would be closed and the
bar reopened. The hotel was taken down when Route 15 North
was built.
The Chamberlain Hotel, originally was a
farmhouse belonging to the Chamberlain family. It was built
around the 1800's and by 1906 Mr. John Robinson &
family purchased the hotel. They catered to theater performers,
as Mr. Robinson was a former theater manager. Business improved
so much a second larger hotel building was built. The first
was demolished after the new building was completed. The name
was changed to The Espanong Hotel,
it faced Espanong Road and was located below the Jefferson
Lumber Company. Many famous theatrical people frequented the
hotel, such as Bert Lahr, the Rose Midgets, and Maggie (Blanche
Jess) and Jiggs (Johnnie Jess), with so many theater people
at the hotel, that the area was known as "42nd
Street & Broadway". Mr. Edward Mewing purchased
the Espanong Hotel, but in 1929 an electrical fire destroyed
the building. The carriage house became the New Espanong,
but this did not last to long, as the carriage house was not
easy to heat and the icehouse became the final hotel and bar,
its name was called The Espanong Chateau. *
The Erin House, was located on the corners
of Brady and Espanong Roads. It was built in 1757, this hotel
was also latter called Callaghan's Hotel. The original
building was built of hand-hewn logs with dove tail corner
joints. This building was used as a fort and dwelling. In
the late 1890's an addition of a kitchen with guestroom
above was added. The Consumer Coal & Ice Company housed
their employees at this hotel. Also on the grounds were summer
cottages, boat docks and a poultry farm, which completed this
property. In 1954 Michael and Florence Chabon rented the bar
and property, later they purchased the property. By the late
1950's while the hotel building was being lowered from
its hill, the building collapsed. Presently Floraine Marine
occupies this site. *
The Lake Pavilion, built in 1887 faced the
Lake and was next to the Nolan's Point Icehouse. The
name soon changed to Allen's Pavilion,
one of the original owners. This building was three stories
with small attic dormers. This building lasted until the fall
of 1894 when the Nolan's Point Icehouse burned, the
fire took Allen's and Lee's Photo Studio also.
By 1895 Allen's #2 building is completed, this time
its is four floor with no dormers, but at a quick glance,
both building seem the same. Mr. Allen just moved the site
of the second building to the north towards Castle Rock; all
the surrounding buildings were also duplicated. But, fire
strikes again and the hotel burns on September 8, 1919, this
time the hotel changes its design, possible a bad idea. Allen's
# 3 was a large building, which incorporated many of its old
attractions into one building. Hotel, restaurant, bar, roller
skating—dance floor and Post Office. This building was
constructed out of used wood from "Fort Dix".
Allen's # 3 had slightly slanted side roofs with the
central roof section being almost flat. During the end of
the 1940's the Lake had a bad blizzard. There was much
snow, some say six feet or more, then the weather turned to
rain, with all the weight of snow and rain, that roof collapsed.
What remains of that building is now the Windlass Restaurant.
Lee & Company or Lee Pavilion, was built
in the 1890's, it was a small family run hotel. The
Central Railroad tracks ran behind the hotel, making it easy
for their guests to arrive at the hotel. Additions were added
as business increased. At one time you could get anything
ever needed at this complex. – Hawley's American
and Chinese Restaurant, hotel rooms, boat rentals, boat rides,
Greenbaum Brothers Bakery, souvenir shop, department store,
fishing equipment, Oddo's Barber Shop, pool parlor,
grocery & meat shops, Idle Hour Movie Theater, Harris
Photo Studio, gasoline, kerosene, steam laundry, Grish's
Ice Cream Parlor, block ice, beer and liquor. October 27,
1924, Lee's Pavilion and surrounding businesses burned.
The fire started in the main building around 11:00 p.m., the
fire destroyed thirteen buildings, which included the Harris
Studio, Idle Hour Movie Theater and even the bulkheads of
the docks. The fire could be seen from all around the Lake.
After the fire, the hotel was rebuilt in 1925. The name changed
many times, such as Kay's, Colony Club,
Jefferson House Boatel, and The Jefferson House.
The Orth family currently owns the Jefferson House. *
The Llewelyn House and Cottage, located
on the southern shore of Great Cove. It was built in the latter
part of the 1800's. Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Knight
were the owners. Originally there was the main house and a
cottage or annex, around 1906 the two buildings were connected.
With this consolidation the hotel could accommodate 50 guests.
By 1912 the name had changed to Villa Gerard
and by 1920 the hotel is gone. *
* Photos of the above hotels can be found in. "Jefferson
Township on Lake Hopatcong" an Arcadia book, available
at The Jefferson Township Historical Society Museum, The Lake
Hopatcong Historical Museums or Barnes
and Noble Booksellers.