200 Years of History
By R. Richard Willis
Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743 in Shadwell,
Virginia he was of Welsh decent. His father’s name was
Peter his mother’s was Jane Randolph. His parents ran
a plantation.
In 1748 he attended elementary school and by 1752 he studied
Latin, Greek and French. He attended William and Mary College
in1760. By 1767 he was admitted to the bar and served until
the Revolution closed the courts of Justice. Thomas married
Mrs. Martha Skelton in1772. In the spring of 1773, Jefferson
was appointed a member of the “Committee of Correspondence
and Inquiry for the Dissemination of Intelligence between
the Colonies.” March of 1775 he was elected delegate
to the Continental Congress. Jefferson took his seat and was
appointed chairman and writer of the Declaration of Independence;
this document was finished by July 4, 1776. Between 1797 and
1801 he served as vice-president under John Adams. In 1804
Jefferson was elected president.
During his tenure of presidency, Lewis and Clark conducted
their exploration of the West. The explorers left the River
Dubious, near St. Louis, on March 14, 1804 and they reached
the mouth of the Columbia River on November 15, 1805. President
Jefferson had a keen interest in scientific interests and
Jefferson died in 1826 at the age of 83 at his home Monticello.
The same year that the United States Constitution celebrated
it’s 50th Anniversary.