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Events Calendar

Past Events Archive

Events Calendar

February/March Historic Presentations to the Middle School Students
April 5th-9th Display of Original Charter creating the Township of Jefferson at the Municipal Building
April 7th Re-enactment of the First Township Meeting, April 9th, 1804
April Lenni-Lenape Indians at Camp Jefferson
April 19th-23rd Bicentennial Week in the School System
Thomas Jefferson at White Rock School
Thomas Jefferson at Briggs School
Bicentennial Poster Contest Award
Bicentennial Essay Contest Award
April 30th Arbor Day
May Tour of the Township Cemeteries
May 30th Dedication of the Bicentennial Memorial / Veterans Park at the Municipal Complex including a Time Capsule
June 12th Revolutionary War Re-enactment at Camp Jefferson
June 19th Tour of Historical Homes
June 25th West PT. Military Academy Concert Band
July 10th "Jefferson Township Day 2004" at the Jefferson Township High School
August 7th Civil War Re-enactment at Camp Jefferson
August 21st Bicentennial Boat Parade at Lake Hopatcong
September 19th "Old Tyme Baseball" at Lakeside Field
September 23rd-28th Display of "Moving Vietnam Wall" at Snow Bowl, Mahlon Dickerson Reservation
October 31st Halloween at Camp Jefferson
November 13th Veterans Day Observance at the Bicentennial Memorial / Veterans Park
December Holiday Season at the Gazebo
January 2005 Bicentennial Closing Ceremony